
约翰逊奖学金 is one of the premier merit-based scholarship programs in the country.

W&L's 约翰逊的学者hip recognizes and rewards students on the basis of academic achievement, 表现出领导能力和诚信, and their potential to contribute to the intellectual and civic life of the W&在未来的岁月里,我的校园和整个世界.

奖学金s are awarded to up to 44 incoming students each year (roughly 10% of the first-year class).

约翰逊奖学金包括学杂费, 住房和食物, 和10美元,为暑期体验提供的资金总额超过89美元,000元/年. Students with additional financial need may also see their scholarship amount increased to cover additional costs of attendance, 这可能包括课本和用品, 差旅费用, 技术成本.

Finalists for 约翰逊的学者hips participate in an on-campus competition and are notified in late March of their status. All costs associated with attending the competition will be paid by Washington and Lee University.


应用ing for a 约翰逊的学者hip ensures that you're considered for other merit scholarships, too.



申请约翰逊奖学金的截止日期是12月5日. 1. 请注意,太阳城集团(Washington and Lee University)提供提前录取(早期的决定 I). 1),提前决定II(1月1日). 1)和常规决定(1月1日. 1)招生计划. 我们必须在12月6日前收到您的约翰逊奖学金申请. 但是你可以选择在任何一个申请决定程序下申请.

应用ing for the 约翰逊的学者hip requires submission of a complete Common Application and the W&约翰逊奖学金补充,其中包括第二篇个人论文.

The scholarship is awarded on the basis of merit, and merit takes many forms at W&L. 你的学习成绩很重要, 这也证明了你的领导能力和正直, 就像你的课外活动一样, 个人陈述, 以及推荐信.

我们将审核您完整的通用申请, 包括你的成绩单, 推荐信, 考试成绩(如有提供), 还有你的个人论文, 外加你的约翰逊奖学金申请, 包括一份额外的个人陈述. Our application review is comprehensive and seeks to find students to invite as finalists who strive to be leaders in the many communities they inhabit.

Finalists for the 约翰逊的学者hip will be notified in early February and invited to campus for the scholarship selection competition. 奖学金 winners will be notified in mid-March with full details about the scholarship award.

The word 'competition' sounds scary, but the scholarship competition event is not. 这是一个让你体验W的机会&我和一位现任约翰逊学者住在一起, 上课, 和教职工面试, 教职员和在校生. We frequently hear from students that the scholarship competition was their first introduction to the collaborative and supportive community that is Washington and Lee, and that the connections they made during the event were deciding factors in where they ultimately chose to attend.

许多学生会用他们的10美元,000 enhancement funds to pay for the costs associated with a study abroad program or to pay for 生活费用 while 志愿服务 or 实习 over the summer. Enhancement funds can even be used to fund one or more Spring Term Abroad programs available during W&L独特的5月4周学期.

不止一个 奖学金

约翰逊奖学金只是W&约翰逊领导力与诚信项目, 为全体学生提供机会和资金的项目.



Up to 44 students a year receive awards of at least tuition, room and board as 约翰逊的学者. 学生是根据学业成绩选拔的, demonstrated leadership and their potential to contribute to the intellectual and civic life of the W&在未来的岁月里,我的校园和整个世界.



每位约翰逊奖学金获得者还可额外获得10美元,000美元,以支持暑期旅行, 志愿服务, 实习, 或者进行研究. Enhancement funds are designed to provide invaluable hands-on experiences and can be used for transportation, 生活费用, 设备, 和更多的.



约翰逊计划提供高达6美元的资金,在全国和世界各地支持学生项目. Johnson 机会基金 are competitive and open to any rising junior or senior. Recent projects have involved the creation of a documentary about travel on the TransAmerica trail, 在英国下议院实习, and conducting research at the Children's National Hospital’s Department of Genetic Medicine.



除了为学生提供奖学金和机会基金, 约翰逊项目支持两个全职教师职位, 一个在威廉姆斯商学院, 经济学和政治学,还有一个是学院的.

500 +强


第一批约翰逊学者毕业于W&2012年的L. 十多年后, more than 500 约翰逊的学者 have joined the Washington and Lee alumni network in fields as wide-ranging as their passions, and they are always e年龄r to help fellow scholars navigate their own career paths.



约翰逊学者们继续做出不可思议的事情. 最近有三位学者获得了罗德奖学金. W&L is the ONLY liberal arts school to have had more than one Rhodes recipient over the past 10 years, and all three of ours have used the opportunities provided by the 约翰逊的学者hip Program to build resumes worthy of such an honor. 福布斯“40位40岁以下”的获得者, 许多富布赖特和戈德华特的研究员, 医生, 商业领袖, 企业家, 和公务员——约翰逊学者可以做任何事情.

关于 奖学金

A premier merit-based scholarship program that covers the full cost of attendance — you can't afford NOT to apply.

约翰逊的学者 新闻报道

Our scholarship winners tackle challenges and continue to earn accolades as students and alumni.

约翰逊的学者 & 罗德奖学金获得者


塔林顿·菲利普斯,23岁, 认知与行为科学和英语双学位, 太阳城集团与李大学的第18届罗德学者. Tahri has also been honored on campus by the Student Affairs Committee for her commitment to personal scholarship and nurturing the intellectual life at W&L. She is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa national honor society and a four-year member of the W&L女子篮球队.



Rafay哈桑, 22岁, 从拉合尔, 巴基斯坦, was looking for a liberal arts university that would give him individualized attention and put his critical thinking skills to the test. 他在W&L.

约翰逊的学者 & Beineke奖学金获得者


凯瑟琳Muensterman ’22 has won a $34,000 Beinecke 奖学金 to help fund her graduate studies. 每位学者获得4美元,在研究生院之前立即支付1万美元,外加30美元,在读研究生期间. Muensterman plans to use the scholarship to aid her interest and research in literature, 中世纪研究与宗教.

约翰逊的学者 & 金水奖学金获得者


特洛伊·拉森,22岁, 他在太阳城集团主修数学和古典文学, 赢得了竞争激烈的戈德华特奖学金, 这促进了科学研究事业的发展, 数学与工程. 这是美国最古老、最负盛名的STEM奖学金之一, the Goldwater 奖学金 aims to identify and support undergraduates who show promise of becoming research leaders in their respective fields and intend to pursue a doctorate degree.

约翰逊的学者 & 戴维斯和平计划


詹姆斯·里克斯 ’21 has won a Davis Projects for Peace grant for his work with The Oda Foundation, 该非营利组织于2013年由W&L校友John Christopher ' 09. 在国外, Ricks will work to photograph the region and present the im年龄s to be sold to raise money for The Oda Foundation. 总部设在卡利科特区, 小田在卫生保健方面的举措, 教育和社区支持变得至关重要, 尼泊尔的救生服务.